We need more earners to help us get CID!

Hi everyone!
Because there are many customers with many CIDs need to get at now so we can't serve all of you immediately. We need more earners help us to do it. We will pay for you via Paypal/Binance/Bank(Vn) within a day. You can register to get jobs at https://kichhoat24h.com/earn.
Please don't register if you can't get cid by your self, if not your account will be blocked. We can working together to earn money by helping our customers.
Best regards!

Good day admin how it work to earn You have guide ?

can I register?

Dear Admin The "Register Now" Button not redirecting or it's just not working I think.. could you please check?

me too

The register button just don't work. After clicking it, the page refreshes, but remain the same.

The register button just don't work. After clicking it, the page refreshes, but remain the same.

Please note that, your earned money must be at least 5$ to request withdrawal. Please read what we noted.

Why couldn't my Request Money be processed?

hi there, is it available for me to get jobs now?

tôi nhập xong sao lại báo là chưa xác minh vậy admin

Thanks admin.

Ok friend! We will check and pay for you soon.

Tôi không thấy admin gửi tiền cho tôi.khi tôi đã lên lịch rút

I can't seem to register? I click Register and nothing happens

Hello Admin,
We thought that the result too small if rates is 0.1 $ or 0.2 $.
Suggestion: If possible, give a minimum rate of 0.25$ and a maximum of up to 1$ for each CID. We know everything also takes time to pick it up.
We don't know how the calculations are done on this website, but we hope it will be fair and best for every user who have special needs on this website. Or maybe there is an explanation from the admin that we can take into consideration.
Thanks, before.

please fix your calculator

Hi, boss, How can i change my pass in this group, THANKS

You constantly turn the earning system off and on. I had a balance in the earnings system, but now was 0$. Is there any guarantee for this? How can we trust you?

Let's try again friend!

Hi, when i click on the button REGISTER NOW i get nothing.
I already sent you an email but no response.
Help me to fix this