PID Tool has new update, fixed crash, wrong antivirus detection, high cpu usage!
Announcement · Administrator · posted 12:27 04/06/2021 · edited 12:34 04/06/2021 · 279 views

Hi everyone! PID Tool has new update. I fixed crash and wrong antivirus detection. All heavy jobs also moved on to server, so you will not see high cpu usage and checking fastest ever! You could see the checking result on VirusTotal at here: Best regards!
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philongphongvan@*.com · #6 · 17:06 04/06/2021
Boss, why do you put the key in the check tool and it doesn't save the key to the database like before?
philongphongvan@*.com · #5 · 16:47 04/06/2021
Administrator · #4 · 13:53 04/06/2021
Pkeyconfig and pidgenx not needed from now.
Administrator · #3 · 13:51 04/06/2021
I just updated. It supports both 32/64 bit again :)
philongphongvan@*.com · #2 · 12:46 04/06/2021
But why in this ver 3.9 do not see the x86 and x64 folders and the pickeycofig folder, are they all integrated into the tool, boss, when unzipping there are only 3 files :)
philongphongvan@*.com · #1 · 12:33 04/06/2021
Just finished updating and checking, the check tool is very fast boss, very good tool