There are some problems in pidmicrosoft. I hope the author can improve it further
Share Software/Antivirus · chyd8899@*.com · posted 19:05 03/06/2021 · 378 views

There are some problems in pidmicrosoft. I hope the author can improve it further 1. When batch detecting keys, they often crash and the CPU utilization rate is up to 100% 2. Defender and other antivirus software report the virus.
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Administrator · #2 · 20:51 03/06/2021
Hi friend! Thank your for your feedback. I'm very busy at this time so I cant work on it right now. I will improve it later then let you know. Thank you again!
philongphongvan@*.com · #1 · 19:41 03/06/2021
tool này không có virut đâu bạn yên tâm dùng nha