Manage all cloud storage accounts in one place
Share Software/Antivirus · lic.ipad@*.com · posted 08:38 23/05/2021 · 253 views

![]( Hello friends, how are you, this time I present a great page called MultCloud for those who did not know it, which allows us to manage our clouds from a single place. This page or APP MultCloud is of great help for those of us who have accounts in several storage sites, since it allows us to connect to everyone at the same time with a single account and the same place. On this page we can manage the files in our clouds, upload files to the cloud that we want, delete them, transfer files from one cloud to another quickly and easily without having to upload each file to each cloud individually. This page is of great help for those who have several accounts and sometimes they forget or do not know in which account they have stored a file, with this page we can See each account we have in a cloud quickly without having to go to the cloud site or close and start the section to verify each account, this saves us a lot of space. There are several pages of this type, but this one that I share is the most complete and the one that offers the highest free monthly transfer traffic of 30GB. It is free and you do not have to pay anything, only if you want a higher transfer traffic then you can buy a subscription even higher transfer traffic, but with 30 GB free per month is more than enough for most. To register is easy and simple, just add a name, Email and Password. Very important, after registering you must confirm the registration in a confirmation link that they send to the email they used to register, I hope that, like me, it will be of great help and make your life in the cloud a little easier. The link of the MultCloud page is this: [**MultCloud**](
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