We are trying to make Paypal payment method back

Hi everyone!
Our Paypal account was blocked forever from this time so we can't use it anymore. Sorry for inconvenience. We are trying to make it back. We will let you know when it can be used.
Thank you and best regards!

Non vedo il metodo di pagamento Paypal? come mai? Mi sento molto sicuro utilizzare questo metodo!

nNos avisas para comprar más créditos por favor, gracias

también quiero pagar por Paypal

Pls try to get the paypal account fixed soon.

the only method i can use is crypto TRC20, but how to attach payment transaction

We are waiting for that ASAP

Hi, please advise when we can pay by PayPal ?


PayPal 결제는 언제 되나요?

Really sad cannot use PayPal to add credit.

any alternative paypal account?

where is paypal payment... admin ?

please paypal

we continue waiting. thanks boss

didn't see PayPal yet.

Awaiting for PayPal acct back to top up. Thanks

Dear Administrator, We are looking forward to seeing your PayPal payments working again

We look forward to your return from PayPal

Hi Admin, I had just made a binance transactin, can you help me upgrade my account to VIP, it's urgent. Thanks

Momo is not available in Japan. Neither tpbank nor Binance can be used. Please allow me to use other payment methods
thank you as always

Hi admin,
We believe many buyer need your paypal payment is active,
please follow up quickly, we really need it.

There is still no PayPal solution?

How about my requested money?
Transaction id KH24Z46R2RQJOQYC

Credit runs out, urgent PayPal

Any update?

still waiting for paypal payment method

Sent binance payment for now, still hasn't reflected on my account.
Almost out of $$ :D

I can't seem to scan yout wisetag. Is it enabled? I already have a wise account and wisetag but scanning your tag only shows wise page and no payment info.

Boss, CID response is not working since yesterday

Thanks boss. We will be attentive to the recovery of PayPal

I sent to that Email, but not reply me.

Hi is this USD? What currency should I use?

I'm almost out of credit! I can't use binance in Japan. Is there other way to pay? Wise or something works here, please I can't have 0 credit, I have too much calls to do.
Please message me if there's another way to pay.

@[email protected]: you can pay for us via this address:
Binance Pay ID / Email: 206706414 / [email protected]

How to top up balance by Binance?