The new Market is in development!
Announcement · Administrator · posted 05:35 21/02/2024 · edited 05:36 21/02/2024 · 501 views

Hi everyone!
In the first, we would like to thanks sellers and customers, who are using our the fisrt Market version! And we want to make the Market is more useful and easy to use, so we was spend time to thinking how we can make it better, and hard working to release the next version of Market. We want to make it become the best and safe place to you can buy and sell products. We will let you know when it available!
Best regards!

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paridataprima@*.com · #7 · 10:37 25/02/2024

please add purchase history, thank you.
this market is usefull for buyer doesn't have crypto

Administrator · #6 · 14:42 22/02/2024

Thank you for your suggestions. We will try to add them to the market!

chfstaff@*.com · #5 · 21:32 21/02/2024

review by product

chfstaff@*.com · #4 · 21:31 21/02/2024

please add reviews also for sellers

chynith2005@*.com · #3 · 17:28 21/02/2024

If you can do settlement with USDT or other Crypto settle it will be best

chhonsotha1998@*.com · #2 · 10:05 21/02/2024
Brother can add detail of product it easy for customer.
bannyunlockerpro@*.com · #1 · 09:44 21/02/2024

please add Search option in Market. this can help everyone to find what they want so fast.