The Market ready to use!
Announcement · Administrator · posted 00:21 24/12/2023 · edited 00:28 24/12/2023 · 477 views

Hi everyone!
The market ready to use now! You can starting earn money by selling/manage your products at here: You can access it at bottom right of the Market page.
The product name will shown and used for searching key words.
The hidden content is the product keys/ accounts you want to sell. I will only shown with who bought that product.
For buyer: We will protect you again scammers. You can report to us if the your bough product can not to use.

Best regards!

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Administrator · #5 · 23:14 25/12/2023

Hi @[email protected], all data in 1 product will be shown with buyer at this tine. We are thinking about the way to able to add product quantity (this means we can create once but sell many times).*.com · #4 · 23:10 25/12/2023

Hello admin, if i put 4 license at one product that all will be show to buyer or just 1 license? 

hieuphan001144@*.com · #3 · 22:46 25/12/2023

nếu bạn muốn người bán sử dụng mục Market thì tôi khuyên bạn nên xóa mục Sell Products 

Administrator · #2 · 22:21 25/12/2023

Hi friend. We still working on our Market to make it better. We also connecting to sellers to add more products to the Market. Our targets are make everything automatically. We also support and protect you again scammers. What's product you want to buy?

piyushjeswani@*.com · #1 · 19:45 24/12/2023

Hello, I cant see anything on the market. If i want to buy and looking for some sellers, how to do that?