EaseUS Todo Backup Home 2023 1-Year Giveaway
Giveaway Page
On the registration page, fill in the form with your e-mail address. Check the box next to the text 'Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mich die OnDireX UG und seine...' and the box next to the text 'Ich bin mit der Speicherung und Verarbeitung...' Click the 'JETZT GRATIS RUNTERLADEN*' button, and an email from Snapfrog.de will be sent to your e-mail address. Open the email from snapfrog.de and click the 'Jetzt aktivieren und EaseUS Todo Backup herunterladen!' link. On the next page, after clicking the link, you will receive the license code along with the download link. Download the software from there, and once downloaded, install it. After installation, launch the program. Use the license code you've got to activate the full version.