New CAPTCHA system is not designed for humans
Who thought using symbols in capthca would solve spammers?
It only made normal paying customer's life worse by including hard to input characters.
Just do the check captcha or something to avoid spammers.
I had to try more than 10x to sign in. If i'm on my phone then it's imposible since I don't have a normal English Keyboard -_-
We just disabled captcha for first of 3 login times, if you enter incorrect username/password you will have to solve the captcha. This for easier login but still keep protect our accounts again brute-force login.
Still captcha system is hard, admin should solve this problem
Check this for example -
Not only captcha system is improved, search system has now much improvements.
Before I was often facing error in my searching for any stuff.
Thanks, Admin!
yes, it's so hard.
Also now automatically getting logged out once shutdown pc or ip change and then have to login again with that hard CAPTCHA.
previously can login oneday and saty login for many days. please fix it
We improved our captcha system. Let's try it again.
Thanks friend for your feedback!
Thanks, I'm sorry I might be too harsh on my words. I thought it was impossible for me to sign in.
Had to get my laptop and change my keyboard layout since some characters are not available in Japanese IME
Sorry friends!
We will improve our captcha system for easier to use!