Get CID feature works better now, we will enable get cid for Actvation Tool soon
Announcement · Administrator · posted 08:12 08/10/2023 · edited 08:13 08/10/2023 · 636 views

Hi everyone!
We was checked log and saw the get cid feature works better at now. So we decided open get cid for Activation Tool, this tool help us in automation activation. Thanks all members for cooporating to help our customers. Please check payment from us, let us know if payment did not sent and forward us the request money confirmation email.
Best regards!

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2320812507@*.com · #4 · 12:56 09/10/2023

hi where is the tool? how can i use it?

blueskys5@*.com · #3 · 00:56 09/10/2023

thanks  admin

Administrator · #2 · 12:28 08/10/2023

We can't decide the pricing. It depends on you and who are cooperating with us to get cid :)

license.original03@*.com · #1 · 11:16 08/10/2023
I hope it's not expensive