How To Get a Digital License on Windows 10/11 Manually
WindowsAddict (aka massgrave) described here how to get HWID license on Win 10/11 manually, for those who want to perform the manual activation.
First Method seems to me is easier.
1- From Ready-Made Ticket
Make sure the Internet is enabled.
Open Windows Powershell as administrator, and enter the following listed commands in the sequence in which they are given.
Enter the Key, (Replace <key> with the key from this txt-file according to your OS edition) with the following command
slmgr /ipk <key>
Download Universal tickets from here and extract the downloaded files.
Now enter below code in Powershell
(Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions).OSProductPfn
This command will show you some text like Microsoft.Windows.48.X19-98841_8wekyb3d8bbwe
You need to find the exact same name ticket file in the folder which you have extracted earlier.
Copy that ticket file and paste it in the below folder
Now run below command in Powershell to apply the ticket
clipup -v -o
Activate Windows with the following command
slmgr /ato
Check Activation Status with the following command
slmgr /xpr

To be more precise... the ticket file will be an XML file (Microsoft.Windows.48.X19-98841_8wekyb3d8bbwe.xml).
You need the exact file-name when copying via the 'Command Prompt'.

thx for your sharing