Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard Retail
Share Windows/Office · eenigma702@*.com · posted 04:40 29/09/2021 · 167 views

Key: 8NG3W-K7HW9-MC29W-YX9BT-***** Description: Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard Retail Sub Type: [Fe]X22-39497 Error Code: Online Key Time: 04:30:26 29/09/2021 (GMT+7)
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Administrator · #6 · 11:53 29/09/2021
You can try or not, it depends on you.
dwiwayan@*.com · #5 · 10:55 29/09/2021
are you sure?
Administrator · #4 · 10:52 29/09/2021
You can use above key to activate windows server 2022.
dwiwayan@*.com · #3 · 10:50 29/09/2021
just windows server 2019 and next 2022 nothink for wondows server 2021
Administrator · #2 · 10:43 29/09/2021
You can get from download menu.
dwiwayan.artha@*.com · #1 · 08:02 29/09/2021